Back Pain Talk With Dr. Tony Mork, MD

Epidural Steroid For Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Pros and Cons by Dr. Tony Mork

Dr. Tony Mork


Hi I'm Dr. Tony Mork board certified surgeon and endoscopic spine specialist for the past 14 years. Today I'd like to just talk about an article I saw recently in one of our trade journals. I'm talking about the use of epidural steroids for treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis. Well it was very interesting of the article and I'm going to talk about that in a PowerPoint a little bit later but let me just first review spinal stenosis. Which is a narrowing of the hollow tubes or the hollow canals that the nerves spinal cord and nerves have to pass through. 

Think about stenosis like perhaps some calcification of valuable space where the water in that case would have gone or in the case of the spine where the nerves actually pass through. All right then, let's talk about an epidural steroid injection. Now, you probably heard about those recently with the fungal infections but let's just review what an epidural steroid injection is and I'm going to show you first on a Model. 

If I look at my picture that I've drawn for us so in this particular point of view what we can see is the model itself here on the picture I've drawn this would be the disc or the vertebrae and this was to be the little bump on the back. In which if you got a massage this would be what someone's thumb might be on. The hollow space here the yellow is where the spinal cord or the card aquana goes.

Now remember that this is going to be smaller in a case where there's spinal stenosis and there will actually be an indentation in the nerve that's the final effect of the stenosis on it. In this case the needle you can see is going to go in to the actual space not the spinal cord of the equina but the space between the two and with fluoroscopic x-ray you have steroid that's injected into that particular area that will actually bathe the contents of the spinal canal and steroid which moves. It can move up and down from where it's injected this is one place that could be injected from. Remember it can also be injected from the side and that would be what they call a transforaminal epidural steroid


I'm Dr. Tony Mork and I run an Endoscopic Spine Surgery practice in Irvine, California and Naples, FL. I avoid a fusion when possible (which is most situations) and provide treatments that actually address the pain without taking an invasive approach.

Some of the conditions I treat:

  • Disc Herniation
  • Bulging Discs
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Annular Tears
  • Sciatica
  • Facet Syndrome
  • Foraminal Stenosis
  • And more

Dr. Tony Mork, MD
2102 Business Center Dr #127, Irvine, CA 92612
(949) 640-6675
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